Providing Youth Enrichment Programs for Berks and Beyond
Summer Camp
Real outdoor overnight camping!
a program by Berks Area Youth Recreation

resident camp
Resident Camp is for ages 6-15 years; and the Jr. Aide & C.I.T. Youth Leadership Programs are for ages 11+.
Register Today!
Put the electronics down and enjoy a week of camp!
Campers will arrive with their parents/guardians to the cabin village straight inside the Campground on a Sunday afternoon between 2:00-4:00pm.
Campers will be checked in, parents/guardians can help their campers get settled in, and we will get started with new adventures for the week!
After a week of camp adventures and friendships, parents/guardians return for camper pick-up on the following Saturday.
A confirmation packet, including a medical form and packing list, arrival and departure times, activity and meal outlines, etc., will be sent once your registration form and deposit are received.
All programs are outlined by standards and learning objectives as defined by the PA Department of Education, the American Camp Association, Berks Area Youth Recreation, and the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources.
For more information, contact Berks Area Youth Recreation at 610-678-6590.